Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, PhD
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, PhD, is a Professor in the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies at the University of Ottawa and the University Research Chair in Gender, Diversity and the Professions.
She is an internationally recognized expert on the professions, including academia and the health workforce, where she applies an intersectional gender perspective.




Helen Glass Research Symposium (March 4th, 2024): Canada's Health Workforce Crisis: How can Research Guide Solutions?
TAL-KW (Feb.20th, 2024): Situating the Migration and Integration of Health Workers in National and International Contexts
Shaye Ganam Show (March 15th, 2024): The Federal Budget is an Opportunity to Transform Healthcare
CBC Radio (Feb.12th, 2024): Nurses leaving public health care for private agencies
Healthing.ca (Nov. 15th, 2024): Workforce planning essential to righting our primary healthcare ship.
Institute for Research on Public Policy (Apr. 12th, 2024): Federal budget an opportunity to seed transformational change to fix failing primary care system
Ottawa Citizen (Jan. 29th, 2024): Bourgeault and Oandasan: It’s time health-care workers became team players